How Do You Know, Whats Real? | Teen Ink

How Do You Know, Whats Real?

April 8, 2015
By WildWendy21 PLATINUM, Luling,Texas, Texas
WildWendy21 PLATINUM, Luling,Texas, Texas
37 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"mistakes are painful when they happen, but a collection of mistakes is called experience."-tumblr

 I don't know how you could say you love someone if you barely know them. I mean okay, yeah you could say it, but it doesn't mean you mean it. Like, why would you just put something like that out there?

 Okay, If your in a relationship you might wanna put your heart out there, but if your like me you don't wanna set yourself up to fail because lets face it Love sucks. I know this first hand. It's like love is a sick twisted game that if you play you almost always lose except for the few who actually do win.So do me and youself a favor and don't let cupid teach you how to play his manipulative game. Cupid not to mention is a cheater in the game of love because he goes around shooting arrows of love in peoples butts and he doesn't care how their hearts feel.

 Okay, I got off topic, but it needed to be said, so I'm sorry if I popped your stupid little bubble. But, lets get real, like seriously. I know your probably thinking I'm just butt hurt or heart broken, well I am, but thats not my reason for being against love. Its just love in general is very painful,annoying, and down right confusing.I mean there is no easy way to say how messed up love is the only way you know how it is is if you've been through it. 

The author's comments:

I just kept this in my chest and thought it was time to let the world know theres no such thing as love and happpy endings.


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