The Set Piece: I... | Teen Ink

The Set Piece: I...

March 27, 2015
By Anonymous

I’m mostly in every house or building watching everything. I keep people warm when its cold or keep them cool when its hot. I can be thin or thick, big or small, clean or dirty, dull or maybe colorful. I sometimes open up for people when they need me to. What I hate the most about people is I’m always there for them but they look through me like I’m invisible or transparent. I let them see the world through me whether there on the highest of building or on a plane, or even just on those long car rides letting them see the beauty that makes up this world. I especially love the campfires on the beach, I mean its what made me who I am today. People can see things inside out when they look through me. I can be really inspirational but, never changing how they see things just giving them a safer way to see things. When people hit me too hard I break to little pieces, not being able to safely let people see the outside world from the place I was broken but, its okay because in the end I will be fixed and replaced. If you still have not figured out who I am, just remember to find me, look at a window instead of through one for I am a window.

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