Silent Watchers | Teen Ink

Silent Watchers

March 27, 2015
By Literary_Sasquatch BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
Literary_Sasquatch BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold air was like razors to my lungs with every breath
Another empty branch slashed crimson across my face
My legs were getting weaker, but I needed to keep going
Finally I stopped along the tree line, to try and catch my breath.
I couldn’t hear them anymore, the world was quiet,
My breath rose up in thin wispy clouds around my head
as I listened for any sign they were still out there, on the hunt.

The silence was broken by my coughing,
A long wind was blowing across the field and up the hill I was on, into the forest
Tiny ice crystals burned my face, forcing me to turn away
Something colder followed, colder than  wind, snow, or ice that shot fear into my heart.
The solemn howl that cut through the wind.
The hunt was back on, the sound of underbrush breaking,
A half dozen muzzles steaming like old trains
Rushing out of the woods towards me.

I tried to run far away, one step, two step,
then the ground turned to a sheet of ice,
I was running, yet I wasn't moving,
I fell backwards in slow motion,
My vision flashed red, then black.
I found myself looking at the matte grey sky
I tried to push myself up, and was met with nothing but pain
The legs of my pants were warm, I reached down
My fingers came back red, there was nothing left.
Tears rolled down my face as my leg tainted to snow around me
Another howl rolled down the valley, another successful hunt.

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