Following | Teen Ink


December 19, 2014
By lindsayshine BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
lindsayshine BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking back. Quickly turn around. Walk, I tell myself. He won’t see you if you don’t look for long. Who is he? He doesn’t look like he is from around here. Okay, maybe he is just walking home? He’ll continue going straight when I turn the corner for school. Okay done, look back, is he still there? Oh my gosh he is! What if I start running like I am late, will he follow? Okay look at your imaginary watch and say wow I’m going to be late better hurry. 1...2...3...go. “Wow,” as I look at my fake watch, “I’m going to be really late, better hurry.” I start running. He starts running! What am I going to do now? Pretend like I saw a piece of trash and pick it up. Go! I abruptly stop and pick up nothing and he stopped too.  What does he want? I don’t know what to do. It is my first day of school and I’m going to have to tell my mom that we need to move for the ninth time because I am being followed by some guy. What if he wants to kidnap me and kill me? Wow, a little harsh much Janette? Okay well let’s look at a good scenario. What if he is a scout for a T.V. show and wants me to star on it? Okay I am being silly now, no way would that be the case he is too creepy.


“Excuse me,” he said but I didn’t turn around because I didn’t want him knowing I have been thinking about him. “Excuse me, miss, what is your name?”

“Me?” why does he want my name?
“Yes, you. I think you would be perfect,” he said it like he wanted me for a Broadway musical or something.
“Perfect for what? Who are you? Are going to take me away!” I said that really loud so that the people around us would pay attention. You know, if he were to take me away.

“Shhhhhhh,” he said hiding his face and pulling me over onto the grass, “don’t be so loud.”

“Why!” I yelled, “oh sorry I have this bad habit of when people I don’t know tell me to do something I do the opposite!” I continued yelling.

He slapped his hand over my mouth and I could barely breathe. I saw a black car pull up and the door swung open. Everyone stopped looking when he said, “shh, come on sweetie it is time to go to school.” He quickly pulled me over to the car with his hand still on my mouth. He threw me into the car, I hit my head and then I blacked out.

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