Prank | Teen Ink


December 15, 2014
By snug21 SILVER, Niagara, Wisconsin
snug21 SILVER, Niagara, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

My cousin was telling me about a prank he was going to use for his senior prank. I was in his room and I found about a dozen packages of rubber bands and the packages were big. He had to have over about a thousand rubber bands. I asked him why he had so many, and he told me his plan.
He was going to sneak into the school before the last day of school for seniors, and he was going to take the rubber bands and dump them down a hallway. It would forever to pick them all up, because you can’t vacuum rubber bands. Unfortunately, his mom isn’t going to let him do it, but I still think it’s a great and hilarious idea. I think I might use that for my senior prank, so watch out!
I always thought that a good prank would be to fill up a lot of Styrofoam cups with water and set them down a hallway. That would take forever to clean up, but I would probably get in a lot of trouble for that. I kind of want to walk at graduation, so I think I’ll just stick with sticky notes.
One time, for April Fools’ Day, my cousin replaced the sugar with salt. My aunt is a hairdresser, and while people wait for their hair to be done processing she will give them a cup of coffee. Well, my aunt put the “sugar” in one client’s coffee and handed it to the client. She gauged, and said that the coffee was very bad. My aunt took a sip and had to spit it out. Meanwhile, my cousin was sitting there, laughing her butt off. My aunt was very mad at her, and we still laugh about it a few years later.

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