The Story Of Tom | Teen Ink

The Story Of Tom

November 18, 2014
By ChampionG BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ChampionG BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.

I walked into the cold tile lobby. With a little shiver, I went to the secretary, “I’m here to see Dr. Green, my new therapist.” “Down the hall second door to the right.” She explained. I started towards his office. I took a second before opening the door to make sure I was doing the right thing. I can’t keep living like this. I walked into the leather smelling room. “Hello Tom, take a seat.” I started telling Dr. Green how my parents don’t care, how they don’t pay attention to me. “Try talking to them.” He was right.

I walked into my house ready to talk to my dad about the appointment. I walked in and said hi. He had no response. I went up to him “You didn’t even say hi.” It was useless. I went into my room to do homework. One of these times I got to talk to them. I walked out to him and sat down “I went to see Dr. Green.” He gave me a look that meant go away.

Once my mom got home, I sat them both down. I started telling them about Dr. Green. They finally listened! “You guys don’t even talk or pay attention to me.” I exclaimed. “Tom we are just too busy.” My face got red with anger. “You’re too busy for your son, too busy for a family? Did you guys even think before you started a family?” That made them really think.

I stormed off to my room. I needed sleep, I had another appointment with Dr. Green. I came home from school and headed to Dr. Green’s office without making eye contact with my dad. I made my way into his office and started telling him about the night before. He had a surprised look on his face. He said to try to avoid them until Wednesday, today was Monday. I wasn’t expecting that, it was a little weird, but I listened and tried to avoid them.
When I came home Wednesday Dr. Green came out of my front door. “Dr. Green, what are you doing here?” “I talked to your parents, Tom, and they are ready to talk to you.” I walked inside. “So Dr. Green talked to you, are you guys actually going to do the right thing?” “Tom, you need to stop seeing Dr. Green and not worry about this situation.”

That’s it I was done. I ran out the door and far out into the street. They followed in the car. Tears streaming down my face I took a seat on the curb. They pulled over. “Tom why are you running away?” My mom questioned. “Why do you think, you guys don’t even care about me.” “Listen Tom, we love you and are ready to start caring, the only reason we told you to stop seeing Dr. Green is because he thought it was best if he adopted you. There was no way that was going to happen so we told him to leave.” I stood up “Thanks.” I said with relief. I just hope they stick to their promise!

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