Character Sketch (Stacy Signfield) | Teen Ink

Character Sketch (Stacy Signfield)

October 21, 2014
By Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
Brooke Lee GOLD, Centerville, Iowa
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello, my name is Stacy Signfeild.  I’m 135 pounds of tan skin, blonde luscious hair, and eyes that sparkle like a 1.5 million dollar cushion cut diamond.  I’m currently double sporting in cheerleading and gymnastics.  When I’m not getting my weekly mani-pedi, I’m reading a Cosmo magazine, drinking a tall vanilla macchiato from star bucks, or cuddling with my pure breed poodle from Paris.  Daddy owns the Signfeild Bank in our town, while mommy is an interior decorator.  I guess you could say I’m “Queen Bee” of our “Classy Click” at school, a position that I promise you I didn’t ask for. Oh, and this summary of my life wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention that of course I’m dating the Quarter back on the football team, Jason. I mean sure, Jason has a pretty face and a great body, but how do I say this nicely…..? Jason is dumber than a box of rocks. Carrying on a conversation with him is impossible unless we are talking about football plays or how much he “lifted’ this morning in the gym. So at this point you’re looking at me thinking I’m a full-fledged, spoiled rotten Barbie that dictates the school. Well…..I’m not. This is not my idea of a perfect life. I’m Smart, but society says a girl that looks like me needs to act dumb.  I would rather drink a water or juice, but social media shows me I need to constantly have a Starbucks in my hand.  I don’t want to constantly have my nails done, read Cosmo, and cuddle with my poodle.  I would love to play Call of Duty or some type of video game, but my parents tell me that’s not what ladies do. I’m stuck leading a life that society, social media, and my peers want to see, not who I want to be. Who is Stacy Signfeild? I don’t know, but I’d like to figure it out.

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