The Battle Of The Two Authorities | Teen Ink

The Battle Of The Two Authorities

June 3, 2014
By JacoboRobert BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
JacoboRobert BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tall, grey haired and very skinny sixty-five year old man. Fighting with his son Sergeant McDuffy. Sergeant McDuffy was the fire chief of the small town of West Morien, Louisiana. The sergeant was a five foot, brown hair blue eyes and well rounded man. The sergeant wanted to work on patrol with his father Chief McDuffy the tall grey haired man.

The fighting between the two grown men went at it for weeks. Weeks later Sergeant applied for fire squad. Weeks later the application got excepted.

Let’s go back a little bit. You want to know why the successful Sergeant wanted to be on the fire squad? Or why he wanted to be in his dads fire house? Or even why was he fighting with his dad? Well here are some answers. Fighting with his dad was no obvious reason. It was because he always got his way at the police station because he was the sergeant. He wanted to be in the fire house with his dad because he think he can’t spend a enough of time with his dad. Finally he wanted to he wanted to have a little change in his life. (it wouldn't be a big change it would be a huge change.)

The boring part was about to begin, after fighting with his dad, applying and being accepted he did the fire fighter class. The class was a really long. It was about a fifty two week class and a tough one. It started with going over the basic of the class. One of them was the primary search. Then it went on to the operations of the equipment and the stictis. After that they went into the hoses operational basics. Later on it was going on about how to change the hoses and open the hydrant. It was really boring to the former sergeant because he has been around the fire house his whole life.

After all the boring part came the stressful part. It was… running through the smoke house with all his gear on in a certin amount of time. But that is not all what goes down in the smoke house. Another thing is the search part. He has to run through the smoke house, find the 4 dummies and pull all the 70 pound dummies out of the smoke house and cross the line.
The former Seg. McDuffy , now the Mr. McDuffy, did not pass the test. He was not expecting to move the four, seventy pound nor was he expecting to move through all the thick smoke in the smoke house. The well rounded man also did not have the speed. He was as slow as an truitle with bricks on its back. (he was maybe a little faster, but not fast enough.)
The former sergeant applied to retake the test. He was accepted. But there was a problem. He had to wait 12 months and was not working. He had quit his former job so he was unemployed for the next 12 months.

He trained for 12 months and worked really hard. After that he was accepted and worked with his dad.

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