He's My Best Friend | Teen Ink

He's My Best Friend

May 28, 2014
By Anonymous

“Dimitri, vamos! Help me decide on what to wear!” Marco said, letting out a sigh as he glanced over to his friend who was casually sitting on his bed without a care in the world. Marco was asked out on a date, and he went to the only person who knew a lot about girls- or dating in general- which was Dimitri. To be honest, he wasn’t good with girls, guys were his specialty, so he’d just have to wing it on how he was going to help Marco. If he decided to help him.
The taller boy sighed, rolling his emerald eyes as the other panicked. This was rather enjoyable to him; seeing the Mexican boy run around and worry was funny and a tad cute. He walked over to his closet, picking out a long-sleeved buttoned up shirt. “Wear this, yes? You don’t have anything else like this that is nice.” he said, handing it to its owner.
Now, Marco didn’t have the biggest selection of clothing. He was a bit of a cheapskate, so he bought most of his clothing at thrift shops, and the clothes he usually bought were band t-shirts and jeans. It really baffled Dimitri that Marco even owned a fancy shirt like that. Hopefully there was a pair of dress pants hidden somewhere in his dresser.
“Can’t I just wear a nice shirt and jeans? It’s only a date to the movies!” Marco whined, receiving a scowl in return. He pouted, furrowing his eyebrows as he weakly glared at the other boy. The two locked eyes for a moment and shot glares at one another until Marco gave in and said, “Alright, I’ll wear this stupid shirt.”
Dimitri wasn’t just annoyed at Marco and his extreme laziness, but he was obviously displeased that the other was going on a date. How could someone just take what is his away? Well, that’s how the Russian saw it. The two have been very close for years- having both been transfer students who barely knew a lick of English when they arrived- and were rarely seen without each other. They were always by each other’s side. So when this girl shows up and decides to just take Marco away, well, that didn’t sit with Dimitri.
“How about you just no go on date at all, da? Vicky, or whatever her name is, isn’t someone suited for you., he said with a bit of seriousness laced into his voice as he crossed his arms over his chest as he watched the Spanish teen quickly button up the shirt. He really didn’t approve of the girl who was taking Marco out. She was forceful and could be rather rude if you got on her bad side, which Dimitri did after they first met.
Marco looked at him and rolled his eyes, but after he finished buttoning his dress shirt, he put his hands on his hips and asked, “If you buy me dinner tonight from that sushi place down the street, I’ll stay.”
Dimitri’s face quickly held a look of pure confusion. Was he serious? He would actually stay for sushi? “Seriously?” he asked, baffled as the other nodded and practically pulled off the fancy choice of clothing. The smaller teen smirked, stretching out his arms before putting on a baggy shirt that he usually wore for sleeping or staying in.
“I barely know her anyway. And, it’s not like I’m going to be able to pay for anything anyway. I’m broke.” Marco plopped down on his bed, turning on his television. “Now go make yourself and your wallet useful and get me something to eat, si?” A smirk was present on his face as he spoke, making Dimitri deadpan, groan, and grab his car keys and wallet before heading out the front door. “Bring me something with avocado!!”
As Dimitri stepped through the front door, he couldn’t help but smirk at himself. “Girls better stay away from my little Marco,” he mumbled, glancing inside Marco’s living room window before stepping into his car and turning it on. He set off on his short drive, that devious smirk of his plan going his way would be there for a while.

The author's comments:
I needed to do this for a school assignment which meant posting a story or something online. Also, the picture that goes along with it was the closest thing that would actually work with the story.

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