Untitled | Teen Ink


May 11, 2014
By Natalie Jones BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Natalie Jones BRONZE, La Mesa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out in the golden rays of the auburn sphere perched suspended on the navy horizon, his bare shoulders turned a splotchy pink. He shut his emerald eyes tight underneath his fluttering lashes and plunged into the cool teal water; his irritated skin stung at the first icy contact but gradually was soothed. When his eyelids lifted and exposed his irises to the crystal blue dotted with translucent bubbles of air, the impact of his entry caused the liquid to swirl against his breast, mimicking the swelling inside his chest. He spotted tiny pastel triangles on his own ocean floor, and felt his underarms being lifted by the aquamarine surrounding him, as if he were floating in space among stars like sapphires. As his glittering eyes rolled up towards the surface, the setting sun leaked through the waves in yellows that faded into greens, reflecting a separate horizon upon his blushing cheeks. As his soaked head broke past the water and his forehead felt the burn of the summer sun, his eyes reflected the sky's juicy orange, and the sun resembling a slice of pineapple.

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