Duke Goldmen: King of Awesome | Teen Ink

Duke Goldmen: King of Awesome

March 12, 2014
By Kyler Magnus BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Kyler Magnus BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Duke Goldmen: King of Awesome
Once upon a time there was a man named Duke Goldmen. Duke was 24, played pro golf, a pro snowboarder, male model, playboy, and billionaire. Duke was the king of awesome; he had 3 mansions, over 150 cars and enough women to have a new girl every day of the year. If you were to walk into his house you could find him lying on a bear skin rug in front of his fire place in silk leopard print boxers. He would be pouring himself and a couple gorgeous Victoria secret models a glass of his very own Duke Goldmen wine.

Duke grew up in luxury as his father George Goldmen owned Goldmen Sachs and his mother, Victoria Skolaf was a Swedish pro skier and bikini model. As a Child Duke was bred for awesomeness as he spent winters snowboarding in the French Alps, springs test driving Ferraris and Lamborghinis in Italy even when he was 9 years old. They had to make a special seat just so he could fit in the car. He also spent summers golfing in the Bahamas on his own private golf course getting trained by PGA legends like Tiger woods and Phil Mikelson. Duke also had a team of ex Special Forces body guards watching him at all times. He didn’t actually need these body guards as Duke was a black belt in in karate, Tie Kwan Doe and tie chie. He also spent 3 months high in the mountains of Japan getting trained by the last of the Samurai.

Duke wasn’t selfish either. He gave back to the world as he started an organization that gave suits to boys in Africa. He also gave millions of dollars to women scholarships. Duke had his own hall in both Harvard and Yale which both throw massive toga parties in his honor. Also both colleges have DG scholarships for people who are awesome but can’t afford school. Even president Obama recognizes his great work and they play a round of golf once a year.

All things seem perfect in Duke’s life. But there is one thing this man was afraid of and that was disappointing his parents by not being awesome. His parents bread him to be awesome and want to keep striving to be more awesome. The problem is that Duke was happy where he was at in his life, he had been more successful than any person his age before. Duke was scared that he would mess up one time and lose his parent’s respect forever. So he keeps on pushing on, making more money, sleeping with more girls and winning more trophies.

Everything changed in an instant when he laid eyes on her. This girl was 5’6”, dark hair and light skin. She was perfect. Duke thought to himself, “I’m defiantly going to hit this girl up.” So duke walked over to the girl sitting at the bar and tried to use his smooth talk with the girl. This had always worked on every girl before, but the girl did not seem interested in duke. So he asked “do you even know who I am?”
The girl replied “Yes, but your just not my type. Try it somewhere else.” Duke was taken back as this had never happened to him before.
As she walked away he yelled, “I didn’t even get your name!” The girl smiled and at him and kept walking. Duke did not know what to do so he went after her. Duke finally caught up to the girl catching his breath he asked “What’s wrong with me?”
The girl replied “I don’t like how you’re a show off and flashy with all your money and cars. All you care about is being awesome and I’m not interested in a guy like that.”
Duke looked down in sorrow thinking “Is she right? Have I got too caught up in trying to be awesome that I haven’t realized how people may look at me?” Duke looked up at the girl and asked “Can I at least have your name?”
She said “my name is Amanda and you can call me Mandy.”
Duke asked with a nervous voice “Well Mandy can I show you the real me over lunch? Nothing fancy just a pizza.” Mandy said yes and they went on their way.

While they were on their date Duke started off by boasting about all of his accomplishments in life, but Mandy wasn’t into it. Duke finally picked up on her Mandy’s facial expressions and said “I’m so sorry I didn’t even realize… let’s not talk about me. Let’s talk about you.” And so the conversation picked up and Mandy’s mood changed and they started to talk about Mandy’s life experiences and hobbies.
They started to really hit it off between the two of them. Duke for the first time felt like he didn’t need to talk all the stuff he had done and try and be awesome, he could be himself and Mandy liked that. After the date Duke didn’t ask her to back to his place he asked for her phone number and said he would call later that night and ask for a second date. They hugged and left their separate ways. Duke got into his Shelby Super Car and gently drove off with a huge smile on his face.

Mandy and Duke became more and more serious and some of Duke’s habits and bad hobbies stopped, he didn’t have girls over, he drank less and partied less. He even taught Mandy how to Snowboard and Golf and Mandy cheered him on at each of his sporting events. They were really happy together and after a few months knew they loved each other.
One day Duke’s parents called and asked why he wasn’t at the golf tournament in Arizona. The reason why he wasn’t there is because it was Mandy and his sixth month anniversary. He was scared at first, saying he was sorry. His father George got very angry at him and was very disappointed.
As Duke was being bullied by his father, Mandy took his hand and looked at him with her beautiful crystal blue eyes. With that Duke some courage and said, “Dad I am dating a wonderful girl who I love, I have been so successful in my life and I am happy where I am. I don’t always need to be awesome dad; I just want to be myself.”
Duke’s father was father was taken back and his mother came on the phone and said “I’m proud of you son.”

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