The Uncoverd Mask. | Teen Ink

The Uncoverd Mask.

January 22, 2014
By Anonymous

At times I do not want to live anymore. I just want to give up and go away. I feel like nobody cares, like nobody notices. If I was to go away. I mean what's the point right? Wrong! I have so much going for me. I'm the smart kid. I'm the teenager that has to take care of herself, well that's how others see me but they don't know. They don't know the pain that's deep inside. Its like it eating me alive. It just keeps on eating and eating until I disappear and have nothing else to eat. I mean that's just how I see things. Other people see me so happy and smiling all the time. They see me being silly and laughing so much with my friends. That is only a mask that they see. If I was to uncover that mask for them to see then they would see the true deep me. They would see why I start acting the way I do. The would notice the cuts on my arms, they would notice my frown, they would notice the broken heart, the would notice everything there is to me. As life goes on, we all get older and learn from our mistakes but what if life was our mistake? What if we weren't meant to be born? But I was, I was born. I've made mistakes and I am still making more. They might not be good ones but I know not to do the same thing over again because I am just going to get the same result. The mask still stays upon my face but who would be the one who uncovers the mask?

The author's comments:
This is just a piece I wrote that has many meanings to it. It is very deep and means a lot to me.

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