The Second Asteroid | Teen Ink

The Second Asteroid

October 11, 2013
By Kaleb1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Kaleb1 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Steve awoke with a start, alarms are going off all over the facility. He looked around the office at all the other people. They were all either just awaking as he was or they were running to and from the various machines around the room. “I’ve never seen anything like it!”, exclaimed one man as he looks over a long piece of paper that is spewing out of a machine. “The readings are off the charts!”
Blinking a couple times Steve started to get up and began to register what must have been happening. He worked in a research facility called “The Atmospheres Ally”. Part of the government branch totally dedicated to keeping Earth and its inhabitants safe from extraterrestrial threats. Steve had gotten up and started examining a paper that was spewing out of the nearest machine. The paper had read “Large mass of iron and minerals, heading towards Earth, approximately two miles wide.” Steve stared he had began to go into shock, “an asteroid” he whispered almost inaudibly. Steve had picked up another piece of paper that was shooting out of a machine with lights and buzzers all over it. “Approximate arrival time is in 4.5 hours.” Were going to die!” screamed one of the men running around the room. Feeling suddenly nauseous Steve ran out of the room.
He had ran to his car and quickly unlocked the door before he remembered that he had forgotten his phone on the desk in his office. As he walked into the office he noticed that all the machines had stopped shooting out papers and all the people that had been in his office were gone. Grabbing his phone off the desk he realised he had missed several calls from his wife. Calling her back on the way to his car she said that the incident at the lab was all over the news and that the public was asking what they were going to do about the problem. Steve replied that he had no idea what they could possibly do. “Hold on I got another call, Hello?” “Hi is this Steve Matheson the lead technician at The Atmospheres Ally?” a mysterious voice asked. “Yes, uh who is this?” Steve had replied. “We need you to promise that anything we tell you over this phone call, you will tell nobody but your immediate family.” The voice replied. “Okay I promise, what is it?” The voice’s tone turned even darker. “There is no chance, the entire Earth will be covered in a dust cloud. The entire human population will die out unless we save certain personnel.” “And how exactly do you plan to do that?” asked an unbelieving Steve. “We have created a bunker that can withstand such an impact, we have supplies, we can save the human race. Are you in?” “Uh yes, Hold on let me call my wife and kids.” “You have forty-five minutes to respond or you are no longer eligible to be in the bunker.” Steve had called his wife and told her what had happened. She had seemed bewildered but had responded relatively well to the situation.
Steve and his family moved to the bunker and shortly after felt the ground shake with a rumbling crash. Nobody of the 200 people in the bunker was allowed outside. They were told that they would have to stay in their for about 2 years. Scientists were working on machines to clear the dust out of the air. The greenhouse gas effect that was caused by all the dust made the temperature skyrocket. Everybody outside the bunker was wiped out. The Earth had to start anew, Again.

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