I'm Lost | Teen Ink

I'm Lost

September 23, 2013
By Novice-writer BRONZE, Noble, Oklahoma
Novice-writer BRONZE, Noble, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Behind every man, is a woman rolling her eyes.
Jim Carry

It was a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun was shining and everything was perfect. My master and his children fed me and left for church.

While they were gone, I decided to take a nap before they got home. I dreamt of chasing a car with cats and bones in it. I heard something and, jumped up excitedly because, I thought it was my family. It wasn’t.

They were big men. One had big muscles and, a red and black plaid shirt on that was tucked under his blue boot cut jeans. The other one didn’t look as strong but, still had good sized muscles. He also had glasses but, he wasn’t wearing them.

I knew they wanted to hurt me so I barked and growled as loud as I could. They just laughed. So I showed them my teeth and drooled a little. I thought I looked mean and fierce but, they still laughed.

I decided that they weren’t afraid so I just lay back down and fell asleep. This time I dreamed of being dog-napped by these two ugly men. They put me in a cage and took me far away. Then they took the cage inside and starved me. The next thing I knew I was skinnier than a greyhound. I was starving and thirsty and I thought I was never going to see my family ever again. It was too scary so I woke up.

I looked around my cage and saw a bowl with food in it and another with water. At least I knew that I wasn’t going to end up as skinny and starved as in my dream but, I’m still worried I’ll never see my family again.

I knew I had to escape but, when and how? I looked around and saw that the stronger man had the keys. Right then I knew that I had to influence him into letting me out so I can run away.

The next day, I decided to try out my plan. I started whimpering and limping and pretending to stretch. He noticed and put a leash on me before he took me outside. After we got outside, he led me to a tree. I did my business and walked around some more. He loosened his grip just enough for me too tug as hard as I could. I did it! I broke free!

I got to the end of their long driveway and kept running. I didn’t know where I was but, that didn’t matter. What mattered was that I was getting away. I needed to find town. When I got to a concrete road, I walked. They didn’t follow me, which was good.

After awhile, I found a town. I walked up to a small church and inside it was empty. So I decided to keep walking. I got to a medium sized house that looked almost like mine. I didn’t stop because I knew that wasn’t my house. I kept walking.

I got to a house that looked just like mine and walked up to it. I scratched at the door. My master answered! His children were so excited! And so was I!


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