Mat's life | Teen Ink

Mat's life

September 20, 2013
By GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
GeryG. GOLD, Dragovistitsa, Other
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Never stop laughing

It was a beautiful autumn day. The leaves on the trees were getting their season clothes change. The sun was reflecting in the lake outside of Mat’s apartment. Most people would have been glad for a day like this, but Mat is not most people. He knew that that they could come whatever the weather. He looked outside and closed the small gap between the wall and the curtain and went into the kitchen. He went to the fridge and took out two eggs. As the stove started heating the pan he went to the TV and pressed the power button. The news were on. If only the people knew what was actually going on with him right now, he’d be on the news. Maybe on the most wanted list. Of course no one would believe his innocence. A person who has been to prison and JUVY before that. It wasn’t his fault, it has never been his fault. Most people would disagree. He was a criminal and he had to be put away. But what was his crime. Trying to put away a drug dealer that no one knew existed. Being accused of having drugs, when faking buying them, so he could catch that son of a b****. They said it was just revenge. Revenge for his parents. They said that he should stop, because nothing he did would bring them back. But Mat didn’t want his parents back, he wanted the guy who killed them dead. And he wanted to be the one to do it. A drug dealer, from a gang, who gives money to corrupted cops to keep their mouths shut. And in the end Mat was the criminal. Great, real fun, being an outlaw, because of a crime you didn’t do. Attempted murder. It’s not like he killed the guy. Yeah he wounded a few of his gang buddies and yes he did try to kill him, but it was provoked, the guy with no name was shooting at him. Cops kill all the time and you don’t see them going to prison. He went back to the kitchen, put butter in the pan and started frying the eggs. Suddenly he heard a sound. He turned the stove off and got a knife out of a drawer. He slowly started walking towards the bedroom. These people, that were following him. They took everything away from him. When his parents died he was left to take care of his little sister Sara. It was his responsibility to protect her from everything bad in the world. He failed. On her fourteenth birthday they came. Mat fought them, even killed a few, but there were too many of them. Just as he was knocking over a gang member, he saw him, the boss, the guy with no name. He saw him kill his sister and run away like a coward. That day a part of him died. There was no love in him anymore, there was just hate, layer after layer of hate and in the middle stood revenge. Three years he spent chasing after them. Killing every thief, drug dealer and gang member he could find, but everyone refused to talk about the guy with no name. Mat never settled at one place, he kept going until he realised that the reason he never found them was that they were looking for him too. That is why he rented this apartment that is why he was now walking in the bedroom. There was nothing. He turned around and went to the living room where he stood. The guy he had been seeking for three years. Mat charged at him with the knife, but just as he was about to stab the guy in the heart, there was a gun shot. A single leaf from a tree outside fell, carried slowly by the wind towards the ground. And just as it hit the ground, Mat’s hand touched the floor of his apartment, the knife still in it. Motionless. And that way it shall remain for the dead can't move.

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