The beat of emotion | Teen Ink

The beat of emotion

June 11, 2013
By iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
iamthefreedomfighter GOLD, Olivehurst, California
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When your curious, you find a lot of interesting things in life- Walt Disney

The beat of the music pulsed around my body filling me with vibrating rhythms of emotion. I felt no pain, no anger only a release. The music freed a person inside of me I never knew existed. The girl that was let lose was different , no longer did she hide and cower in the corner of my mind, no longer did she wear her chains. She was free, free to take over my body. I gave into her, letting her take control. She rejoiced she let the music carry her leading her to a place never seen only felt. The music alone did this. The music alone saved her.

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