Lionel Messi | Teen Ink

Lionel Messi

June 7, 2013
By KIRA. BRONZE, Everson, Washington
KIRA. BRONZE, Everson, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Now the world shall no pain- Pein

“I have seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentine football and his name is Lionel Messi. Messi is a genius and he can become an even better player."- Diego Armando Maradona. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are today's most disputed soccer players in the world. Lionel Messi is a finer footballer than Cristiano Ronaldo. Both players play for the two biggest clubs on the planet. Lionel Messi plays for Fc Barcelona, and Cristiano Ronaldo plays for Real Madrid Fc. When these two teams collide, it's not just a regular match; it's called el Clasico (the classic) because of their long history of rivalry. It's a match that the whole world of soccer wants to watch. Which player will lead their team to victory? , Messi or Ronaldo

“It is clear Messi is on a level above all others, those who do not see that are blind." - Xavi. We can see that not only his fans think he is the best player in the world, but also his teammates. At only age 23, Messi was recognized as Spain's best player three consecutive years in a row by winning the Balon de Or award, starting since 2009, leaving Cristiano Ronaldo in second place, all three years. Lionel Messi just keeps breaking world records. He currently broke the record for most goals scored in a single UEFA (Union of European Football association) Champions league match; he scored five goals in one soccer game. Messi also broke a 60 year old record, held by Cesar Rodriguez for most goals scored in the history of FC Barcelona. With a total of 232 goals for the club. Lionel Messi scored the record breaking goal with style; he scored a hat trick (three goals in one match) against Granada Fc at the Camp Nou (Barcelona’s home stadium).

Messi and Ronaldo are seen as the two best players in the world; however have completely different playing styles. When confronting a defender one on one, Ronaldo plays with the defender's mind by pulling a bunch of unnecessary moves. For example he moves the ball back and forth between his feet, and overlapping the ball with his feet to cause the defender to jerk back and forth. Yes, Ronaldo demonstrates incredible skill with the ball, but all that showboating is unnecessary when a simple pass to a teammate is enough. As declared by ESPN " On occasions, he goes to ground far too easily which attracts the ire of supporters and sometimes tries a trick when a simple pass would do the trick" When surrounded by many defenders it is best to make a quick pass to a teammate rather than try to trick out everyone by yourself. Lionel Messi is a more efficient soccer player, when confronting a defender one on one. Messi stalls the ball then waits for the defender to stab. As soon as the defender stabs, Messi with an incredible burst of acceleration dashes the opposite way leaving the defender on the ground scrambling to his feet. Messi's style of playing far exceeds Ronaldo's. Hence Messi is a better player than Ronaldo.

" Cristiano Ronaldo is player almost beyond reproach but one of his gripes that some teammates have had bout him-and certainly sections of the Real Madrid support- is that he can be selfish and certainly sections of the Real Madrid support- is that he can be selfish and too obsessed with making the difference on his own"- Worldsoccer.about. At the end of the season Cristiano Ronaldo was the number one goal scorer, with Messi following behind. Ronaldo scored 54 goals, and Messi 53 goals. Messi came in one goal to short, but he came in with more assists than Ronaldo. Ronaldo finished the season with 6 assists and Messi with 17 assists. Goal scoring isn't the only important thing in soccer. Just because you score a lot of goals doesn't make you a great player, you have to know how to be a team player, if you want to be a successful player. ”Messi dovetails so beautifully with Xavi Hernandez and Andres Iniesta. His chemistry with these two is a beauty to behold and there is no one at Barcelona who claims Messi does not work hard enough or combine well with his teammates". As mentioned by Clearly Messi is a better team player than Ronaldo. He isn't always trying to go for glory. This proves that Messi is a better soccer player than Ronaldo.

Overall Messi is the best player in the world. Messi keeps breaking world records, and has many more to yet break. Messi is a more efficient footballer on the pitch than Ronaldo. He is also more of a team player than Ronaldo. Therefore, I strongly recommend that FIFA ( International Federation of Association Football) award Lionel Messi the Balon De Or, for the fourth time in a row classifying him as the best player of Spain for the 2012 season. If he is awarded his fourth Balon de Or he will break another world record, for most consecutive Balon De Or's won in a row. Lionel Messi is a far better player than Cristiano Ronaldo.

The author's comments:
This essay is to explain why messi is the best player in the world

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on Jun. 9 2013 at 10:22 pm
Arkanian SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People who don't know me think I'm quiet. People who know me wish I was."

Great article! I like the constant comparisons, and how you didn't ignore Ronaldo's skills; you just explained how Messi's were better. I play soccer myself, but I don't watch it. This article makes me think that maybe I should start :)