Thanksgiving | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By domgallelli BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
domgallelli BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
if your not first, your last. Ricky Bobby's Dad

Once upon a time there was a crazy Italian family. This Italian family was so close. They did everything together! Vacations, weddings, weekends, parties, Sunday dinners, everything! There was not a week that would go by that the family would not get together at least one time. So during one calm relaxing year the family decided to have Thanksgiving at the Gallelli’s house. The Gallelli son was a little disappointed because he knew his family was going to be loud and obnoxious but also excited because Thanksgiving is one of his favorite holidays. The delicious food his dad makes the day before, the football with his family and the wonderful family memories that will be made. He also was excited because he loves his family and will always remember the fun times they had together. The son had mixed feelings about the entire family coming for Thanksgiving but he was still optimistic.

So the morning of Thanksgiving finally arrived! The son woke up and put on his clothes and ran out of his room at five in the morning to help is dad cook the turkey, stuffing, pies, mashed potatoes, biscuits, ham and all the other delicious treats that will be spread onto the dining room table where everyone eats. The son opened the oven to lift the turkey into and out of nowhere; he dropped the enormous turkey pan onto his foot! The tips of his toes turned grape juice purple, and swelled to the size of cantaloupes! He started to scream at the top of his lungs and his dad had to fill his mouth with a towel so he would not have to deal with a complaining wife and wailing twin daughters. Even with a potential fractured foot, the son was determined to have an amazing Thanksgiving.

Another part of Thanksgiving that the son loved was the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. He sat down on the most comfortable couch he had and iced his swollen foot. Watching gigantic floats and balloons go through the streets almost made him feel better. Suddenly, his favorite float, the colossal Homer Simpson balloon was shot and it came crashing down. It killed twenty three innocent bystanders. Then it started to rain on the brutally murdered Homer Simpson balloon. It literally rained on the son’s parade. No matter, he was still optimistic.

Finally, at three in the afternoon, the crazy loud family started stampeding through the poor front door. The meal was ready. The table was set. Everyone was “politely” ushered to their assigned seats. Before all the delicious food was going to be devoured by these crazy people, we said a prayer for a better year next year. Also, we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Everyone makes little jokes like “oxygen” or “indoor plumbing” or something stupid. After our prayers, we finally ate the meal! After a really disappointing day, it felt good for the son to chow down to a nice hearty meal. It filled his little stomach and put a smile on his favorite holiday.

Out of nowhere however, his cousin, Frankie, jumped on the table, rolling over all the food and crushing it with his enormous belly! The son felt so ashamed and looked through the front window. He saw a strange man who took out a firearm and after the horrible day the son had, he did not even care that he was going to die. He even waved to the gunman as he say the bullet crash through the window and pierce his skull.


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