Mission Improbable | Teen Ink

Mission Improbable

April 26, 2013
By Steven123 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
Steven123 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Beldon Green walked to the briefing room with a brisk pace. Next to him was John Loyal. Beldon was a two hundred pound man with brown short hair. John was a big man with blond hair that was buzzed closely to his head. The man in the room was only known as Mr. White. They were all operatives in the CIA. They were handed the briefing papers and read over their mission. Immediately Beldon knew this would be his hardest mission yet. They were to infiltrate a Russian mine that had been recently excavated. Intelligence thought that nuclear warheads were in the mine and they needed to be found and disarmed. The General of the compound was known as The Doctor. Beldon was a professional sharpshooter while John was trained in Knife and a master of hand to hand combat. They had both been in the SEALS.
On the jet ride to Russia, they went over the schematics of the mine. They would go in as miners and wait until the cover of dark. Then they would look for the warhead and avoid any contact with Russian guards. They would be equipped with a silenced pistol, along with a combat knife and some C4. They needed to find the warhead and get out of the mine before they were discovered.
They were on a bus of the miners. They were both fluent in Russian and there were so many headed towards the mine they would be unnoticed. There were checkpoints along the way but they were never picked to show their documentation. They were in the compound and started grabbing mining gear. They had to mine for about 6 hours. Hard work but they knew sunset was approaching and then the true work would begin.
As the miners were loading on the bus they slipped away. Beldon was going to check deeper into the mine while John would check the compound. As Beldon was descending he saw his first guard. He approached silently from behind and plunged the knife in his back while holding his mouth. He hid the guard and then carried on. The rest of the mine was empty and he saw only two other guards. He headed back towards the compound which would be most heavily guarded.
He had to cut through some fence to get into the compound and all was going well. Just as he was nearing a door to the compound sirens blared and the ground around him was ripped apart by machine gun fire. He dove inside the door and started to run. He knew that armored guards would now be looking for him. He was sprinting in the hall when he heard guards running. He instinctively went into a side door.
What he saw horrified him. There were rows of dead people on tables. They had been tortured and operated on. It seemed because of the straps on their arms holding them down they had been alive. There were computers on the sides of the room along with tubes of air in the middle. He laid down all his C4 in the room fearing the dire consequences this place could have. He silently entered the next room to see John Loyal. The man was studying the blueprints with his pistol in his hand. He looked up and aims but realizes its Beldon.
Guards rush into the room but find only blueprints on the ground. One is shot in the head and instantly dies. The other three look around with their machine guns looking for the shooter. Another is shot in the chest and slumps to the ground. Two knives are then thrown and plunge into the chests of the remaining guards. Beldon and John slip out of the shadows. They head towards the control room of the compound. They believed if there is anything to be found it will be there.
As they run towards the control room they have to sneak around a patrol of guards and four other guards. When they get to the door they know some technicians will be in the room. They get out their pistols and rush in. Ten machine guns are pointed at them when they enter. The room has computers everywhere but no technicians. There is a steel staircase leading to stair railing that provides a second floor to the room. On the railing are ten guards with their machine guns pointed at us. Surrounded by two guards is The Doctor.
He applauds our ability to make it so far into his compound. But that we had no chance from the beginning. John Loyal starts to head towards The Doctor. Beldon expects the guards to shoot John but they keep their guns trained on him. Beldon makes the terrible realization that John turned traitor. John says he was tired of doing the CIA’s dirty work and not getting paid as much. He wanted to be rich and live a lavish lifestyle.
The Doctor exclaims that since Beldon is going to die anyway he will get to hear of his plans. In his research room he had been trying to make a disease that would wreak havoc on the world. He made it only three weeks ago and had been producing it. He would first unleash the disease on America then on the rest of the world. When the world’s population was in the thousands he would bring out the cure, along with the machine guns. He would become the world leader.
Beldon knew he had to act instantly. The slaughter of the world was not something he could let happen. He pushes a button on his waist and the compound is rocked by an explosion. The guards are distracted for only a moment but a moment is all he needed. He whips out his pistol and shoots two deadly shots into the heads of John and The Doctor. As they slump to the ground the guards open fire. Beldon is ripped apart by gunfire. His last dying thoughts are he saved the world, and no one would ever know it.

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