Running | Teen Ink


March 17, 2013
By j_allen01 GOLD, Pottersville, New Jersey
j_allen01 GOLD, Pottersville, New Jersey
14 articles 0 photos 8 comments

My once blonde and fluffy hair has become a mop of brown mush coating the back of my neck, the water continuing to absorb into the light wisps. I sprint through the muddy field as my slim body continues to get soaked with the pouring rain. Where the well was he? I stop for a second, trying to catch my breath. The plans had been pretty clear. Why hadn’t he showed up?
I begin running again, only to stop when a stabbing pain seeps in to my foot. I curse under my breath and hobble to a nearby bench where I examine the wound, finding a small prick had torn open the skin revealing pink flesh underneath. It was now coated in ruby red blood. I mutter yet another curse as I pull out the twig, taking a deep breath once it had been fully removed.
Maybe I wasn’t supposed to see him again. Maybe our expiration date had
finally come. I look up at the grey sky as the rain pours down from the dark clouds. I blink to keep the raindrops from progressing into my eyes. I hear the distant sound of ringing coming from my pocket, so I quickly swipe my phone from the beneath the fabric opening. The screen reads “Mom.” F***. I was supposed to call her, wasn’t I? A collection of raindrops begin to build up on the plastic screen to make a puddle of water on my cheap phone. I wipe it off with the sleeve of my sweatshirt and slide it back into the pocket of my shorts. I couldn’t deal with her now.

Before I know it, I’m running again; running faster than I ever have. I was running for everything that happened that summer – I was running to hold on to the memories one last time.

The author's comments:
Just a short little piece I wrote - the idea just came to me one day. I think it's going to be part of a larger project, but who knows... tell me what you think :)

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