Family matters more | Teen Ink

Family matters more

January 29, 2013
By devonS BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
devonS BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Without a struggle their can be no progress." Fredrick Douglas

It wasn’t too long ago that we agreed never to see each other again, but now we were standing face to face. After my father died when I was three I had no one to care for me, no one to really love me. So far, it had been an isolated life for me. I could never trust anyone. Patricia was always drunk, she hit me more than I could remember, and while being a kid I had to be an adult as well. Now that I graduated from high school, I learned a lot. I know more than I should.
On the pedestal, I was scanning the crowd while receiving a diploma. In the crowd there were happy, encouraging parents proud of their child. However, no one was there for me. After I got my diploma I went directly home angrier than ever. I knew my whole life I wasn’t going to be supported, but I still haven’t gotten used to it. The door was locked and I knocked a couple times almost as if I would rip the door open. Footsteps slowly walked to the door. “God! Stop banging!” Patricia opened the door even though she had her hand full with whiskey and a cigarette butt she moved to let me in. Her face was soggy and her eyes were beat red like a rat. She left the door open and sat on the dusty yellow stained couch where the stray cat remained. “Why you wearing a bath robe?” Her foul breath traveled towards my nose. The stench was horrid.
“Mom! It ain’t no bath robe. I just graduated high school, aren’t you proud?” A tear shifted down my cheek. Despite the tear, her face was nothing. She made no expression. All she did was shrug her shoulders.
“Congrats!” She got up, as though she wanted to give me a hug. Of course, she didn’t. She got up to get more whiskey. Her legs wobbled and fell onto the couch spilling some of her drink.
“I’m done! I want nothing to do with you, you have been a horrible parent ever since dad died!” I ran into my room and started packing for the road. I knew from that day on I was done and I wanted nothing to do with her.
My suitcase was piled and filled with all the things I need. Still, Patricia sat on the couch, lazily drunk like always. “I never want to see you again!” I ran out the door into her car. I drove as far as I could. As it got late I decided to sleep in the car, nothing seemed wrong with that. Days passed while still driving, however gas was a lot more money than I expected, but I knew I would find a way.
So far, I had been gone for a month. If she really cared, people would actually be looking look for me. Finally, I got a great idea. My idea was to find my dad’s sister. Her name was Aunt Blunt. She lived in New Jersey with three kids, Jake, Georgia and John. I was close to her house and spent all my money to get there, because I trusted her. I rang the doorbell and she opened.
“You look horrible!” She smiled and made an unpleasant face like I was a dead raccoon on a highway. “I wanted to see you, but your mom said you ran away.”
I snapped back, “When did she tell you that?”
“Just now.” I shoved myself inside and saw Patricia standing there with a face of joy.
“Hey sweetie!” I was surprised she wasn’t drunk. It wasn’t too long ago that I thought we agreed never to see each other again, but now we were standing face to face. In the months I was gone she changed. Now she didn’t look pale and she didn’t wear ratty clothes. Actually, she was wearing a dress that was pink! “Hey, I’m sorry I never treated you like a daughter. I want to start over. Can we?” I didn’t know if I could believe her, but she was my mom and I knew I had to.
Currently, we’ve been great. She had changed in many ways and was trying to be the best mom she could be. So far, she had been a marvelous.

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This article has 2 comments.

maratooka said...
on Feb. 3 2013 at 9:26 am
I loved this article!  The language was very rich and descirptive.  Anyone can change if they really want to, you showed that really well.  Good Job!

Vickie said...
on Jan. 31 2013 at 7:02 pm
wow!  great story can't wait to read more!