Her and Him | Teen Ink

Her and Him

November 4, 2011
By B..... GOLD, Dallas Center, Iowa
B..... GOLD, Dallas Center, Iowa
10 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
sooooo bored

When I was 15 I had my best friend her name was Kayla. We were like sisters.One day she told me about her new boy friend. She said he was nice and sweet and he loved her.But I could see past it all. I asked her what was wrong.She said she was just mad at her dad. So I asked why. She was moving in with her boy friend because she was pregnant and her dad wouldn't let her. the next day she had black and blue marks on her arms. she said she fell down. but It look like a hand. Again the next day it happened. for weeks she was not at school. She and her baby boy were died. he had killed them.


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