A Good Day | Teen Ink

A Good Day

February 10, 2011
By MauveMaven GOLD, Fort Walton Beach, Florida
MauveMaven GOLD, Fort Walton Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Good morning sunshine” Rosette greeted. And the sun greeted back, streaking early morning light across Rosette’s velvety skin as she smiled at the orangey sunrise. Soon it would be time for her morning jog, but now she just wanted to enjoy the day. She twisted a finger in her ash black hair. It amazed her how she thought each sunrise seemed even more beautiful than the sunrise before it. Rosette didn’t understand how this could be, which is exactly why she was amazed by it. She looked down at the city streets below and smiled such a warm smile. Cars honked as men and women scattered like ants on the sidewalk; each of them trying to fill in any empty spaces like a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle with only sixty pieces. A real mess that even birds joined into, skipping from post to post sing as they went, being shooed from place to place until they found a nice spot to nestle. Rosette smiled at it all, amazed and delighted by every bit.
For a good while Rosette gazed off her balcony until her ever affectionate smile gave way and she went for a jog.


This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 16 2011 at 4:12 pm
Charlotte Lee PLATINUM, New York City, New York
21 articles 6 photos 4 comments
This is truly amazing. It makes me feel warm. you're very descriptive and I love the characters personality!