Could There Be a Silver Lining ??? | Teen Ink

Could There Be a Silver Lining ???

January 15, 2011
By xshannymcx BRONZE, Navan, Other
xshannymcx BRONZE, Navan, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A Good Person is Hard To Lose, Hard To Find and Impossible To Forget<br /> <br /> The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about<br /> <br /> <br /> Everything happens for a reason.<br /> <br /> Success is the greatest revenge.

The thin figure in the black coat was running through the alley. It was a Tuesday in the middle of Autumn and the temperature was dropping rapidly. In the south west a mass of cloud, one like she had never seen before, was rapidly rolling up. There was something about it that was indescribably threatening as it swallowed up the clear blue sky. Now and again a flash of lightening shot across it, followed by a savage growl. It was dear black and let me tell you now, there is no silver lining to this story!

It was only supposed to be a joke, some fun! That's definitely not how it ended. She was sixteen years old, determined, intelligent and happy. She had great friends, a family, dreams and a life. That night changer her life forever, a night she would never forget. That lonely, unfortunate girl would never be the same again and regrettably to say, that girl... was me!

The author's comments:
This was an English assignment.. The first sentence is the same for every member of our class, its amazing how one sentence can start so many different stories! It is the first two opening paragraphs of an essay that I still have to continue. Thanks for reading :)

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