Dear Diary, Part 4. | Teen Ink

Dear Diary, Part 4.

September 18, 2010
By DaddyzUnwantedDolly PLATINUM, Raliegh, North Carolina
DaddyzUnwantedDolly PLATINUM, Raliegh, North Carolina
31 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."~ Dr. Seuss

Dear Mira,

I'm sad. I'm super sad. Today is Sunday. Ms.Hendrik was gonna take me to church but, when she came mommy wouldn't let me go. She said there was no God and that even the thought of it was absurd.
This is a secret, ok? Don't tell anyone, not even Mr. Pencil! Well.... Daddy's real parents did NOT like mommy. They thought or think she is a walking bottle of air. Not even the good air! They think she is as worthless as the thin wispy air that cause unstable people heart attacks at the top of mountains! I just had to giggle when I saw the letter they had written in reply to their wedding before I was born.... I suppose it was a reply to their wedding invitation..
Mira, when I asked if we could visit them she screamed, " NO! THEY ARE HORRIBLE!."
So that must explain the wicked look in her eyes when she told me I was just like my grandmother (NOT granny). I just stared at her 'till she stomped off to throw one of her hissy fits. Her fits always make me laugh... I only laugh cause it is better than crying. Tears cause pain and I don't want any more pain than needed...
Ooooh! I am starting to write poetry. Wanna see some? Okay, hold on, I gotta find one.Okay so I wrote it about something that I am similar to,

Hey there,

You're just like me,
Shall we pay the fee of not being in the lead?

We're quite oblivious- not knowing,
The difference from broken feet and great big leaks,

You're unpredictable alike to me,
I see your hidden insides come out as you ponder these things,

Dark room,
Pay thy fee.

Do you like it? Ms.Hendrik did! She clapped, and said so.

Ugh... Mommy is calling my name... Good bye.

Molly <3


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