Blistering Bliss | Teen Ink

Blistering Bliss

September 2, 2010
By gaby23 SILVER, Larkspur, California
gaby23 SILVER, Larkspur, California
7 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
~Christopher Columbus

Slowly surrendering as the bite of winter chews deeper and deeper into the flesh. Lost, searching for the circulation of the once beating heart that lived in my chest. Breaking free of the wire cages where the concealed tiger bellows, reverberating off the walls, sending a message through crimson red blood. Dancing and singing the radiation welcomes the body.

A melody so subtle, singing like a lullaby, two eyelids grow heavy, safely closing. The faint buzz of the heater darts around the walls, bouncing around the skin as the steady hum of the powerful beast whispers words deep into the soul, majestically keeping everything at ease. The crackling grows faint, until the chorus stops, leaving silence. The song ends abruptly. Chaos begins twirling through the air as a gentle chill suddenly skips through wisps of dark auburn hair. With a deep laugh from the under belly of the rusted color conductor, the orchestra awakens once more.

Such a sweet melody tingles through ten toes. The winter morning awakens, stretches and bangs on the door, begging to harass an aching body. For the moment time ceases, and such bliss enters the soul, such warmth as if inside a sanctuary, concealed within the essence of summer day. Frightened that such a pleasure vanishes quickly, every muscle takes a deep, relaxing breath.

Two eyes remain closed as the cold shoots needles into the skin. Walking through a door as a blast of heat bustles across scarlet covered cheeks, the hands once curled up into a ball begin to open. Love heats not only one, but all.

The author's comments:
Do not take anything too literally in life.

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