Guilty | Teen Ink


August 11, 2010
By BlueInspiration BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
BlueInspiration BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
2 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you ,strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.<br /> -Harriet Tubman

Nothing but the wind. Thats all. That was all I ever thought of, ever dreamed of now. Lying in the grass on this brisk, yet beautiful day, made me feel guilty. Guilty of having too much, wanting too much. Emma just down the street had lost her house due to the fires. We were the lucky ones. Just the other day, I had gone down to Emma's place to look at the extent of what had happened. It was a lonely sight. Only the foundation stood. It seemed to be asking what it had done to deserve this. The grass was itchy, but I did'nt really mind. When I thought of that house I thought of how lucky and guilty I was. Lucky for nobody to be lost in the fire and guilty for not having lost anything. The wind was what had done this. Made this house only a foundation. The wind had given that fire the strength it needed to continue. It would do the same for me. I was ready now. Ready to admit. I had started the fire.

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