On The Brink Of Insanity: a story told through the eyes of a misunderstood teenager (Part two,: Is | Teen Ink

On The Brink Of Insanity: a story told through the eyes of a misunderstood teenager (Part two,: Is

August 7, 2010
By Riku295 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
Riku295 BRONZE, Miami Beach, Florida
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I know certain vampires can't have garlic but, Does that mean they cant have onions?! If so, they"re REALLY missing out on my home cooking."

It began as anything else, a warm smile, a simple kind act, a hug for just a moment too long, or maybe, just maybe a kiss...I laugh at the bitter truth. There was none of that. We were to FAR to see eachother smile, to hold eachother in a warm embrace, to kiss. Maybe kindness, toward the end...or maybe it was the beginning of it all? I remember, our first meeting. I could FEEL the angst, the tension. You wanted to f***ing tear me limb from limb, no attempt to understand. You didn't want me with him, you didn't like me at first, you and I had seemingly nothing in common. In one month, I had gotten so deep in this web of lies he weaved...and it all fell apart.  You were there, we got closer and I had already had this burning...it was a burning desire to see you, the REAL you. Because I could see past that mask you always put on. We both had abused alcohol, done stupid s**t but never regretted it...You confided in me and I in you. That's where it all REALLY began. 

The author's comments:
Well, this is actually the second part of the story..so I ask that you please go check out the first part before yon continue reading please? I appreciate it. Enjoy. :)


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