Who Gets Hurt? | Teen Ink

Who Gets Hurt?

July 21, 2010
By Mikaylaa BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Mikaylaa BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Damned if u do, <br /> Damned if u dontt.

Why does she always look like that, that carefree girl sells drugs at school, yet she can still get every guy she wants she has the head football player she’s in volleyball, cheerleading, basketball, softball u name in she’s in it but she is in band a great clarinet player but it started to get worst she skipped class just to see Joshua skipped all her practices for all her sports now not just sell drugs but did drugs as well I’ve watched her kill herself and her need is there of the drugs and sex it was raged in her she didn’t know what was wrong and right her mother and father gave up on her didn’t care what she did what she wanted anyways she ended up going to a party and came home in one piece and got high. I thought about becoming her friend maybe I can talk to her tell her what she’s doing is wrong and go to church with me “I don’t believe in god why go to church?” I said “Gods watching you now weather you know this or not, come to church with me the next three Wednesdays and if you don’t like it perhaps you don’t have to go anymore. Im not going to make you do something you don’t want to do.” She Says “Deal” then we shake I watch her at school without her knowing until Wednesday approaches..
Today’s Wednesday July 21st 2009
We go to church I let her meet my pastor Danny, witch also is my adopted dad he takes good care of me that old man(: he knows I love him.
I Let her meet some of the youth Beckie, Day-Day, Jennia, Mario, Daniel, Gabbie, Taylor, and Tj
Danny This time told us that Jesus died for our sins and young people just don’t care that Jesus gave up this life so we didn’t have to take what we did wrong something called sin Jesus took it all for us and now by telling him thanks young people trash our earth, sell and do drugs, leave everything everywhere they want..
That’s wrong despites of what anyone says its wrong young people like us shouldn’t do it help by keeping the earth clean, help kids learn about God and Jesus. Then we eat and she liked all my friends my friends became her friends that good, she love dad now she calls him dad too I don’t mind, she comes to church now that’s great we took her home she says thanks Angle. Your welcome Sara I don’t mind Call me later the next day a total different girl. “Hey Sara do u have any pills on you?” Sara said “yeah down the toilet” Ok she said back to Sara and the word quickly got around the school. Sara doesn’t have drugs anymore and everything changed I was her only friend for about a week. The only sports she played now was volleyball and band she lost her football dream guy and settled down for a sweet, romantic, nice, British boy in band a boy she never thought of till they bumped into each other.
Now she goes to school for the right reason education she gained her family and her family trust back she goes to church with her best friend Angle and learns more about god every Wednesday. I found a note in my locker yesterday it says.
Dear Angle, Thanks for everything I really thank you and apprentice everything you do you saved my life you changed my life now every moment I thank god for every breath I take knowing I now live a drug free life and believe anything is possible thought God and Jesus in which we trust in. I used to run past life where did it all go? Im now eighteen and living this life wow what a mistake well now Jesus and God hopefully know I live for them and I will do anything they call on me to do. Thanks again.

Your friend Sara(:
Friday July 23rd 2009
Dear Diary, Today Im proud of myself I helped a girl find herself I gave her the power the know god to become one of gods young people and stay away from drugs she has friends and a hot British boyfriend named Kaden WOW! Ha-ha well yes dads proud of me to well I did my job I helped a girl find her enter self everything is good I changed someone’s life.
Love Always And Actually Forevr

The author's comments:
About a girl who find herself and on her way she makes a friend.

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This article has 1 comment.

Babylufin GOLD said...
on Aug. 6 2010 at 10:23 am
Babylufin GOLD, Liberal, Missouri
13 articles 2 photos 229 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;For I know the plans I have for you&#039;, declares the Lord, &#039;plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.&#039;&quot; Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you Lord, for this future you&#039;ve given me.

Awesome story! The idea is wonderful.

Although, there were like 7 or so actual sentences... There should be 5-7 sentences in one paragraph. There were a few type-o's but I'm an expert at that, so have no room to talk (ha-ha).

But overall, I loved it. :)

Good job!

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