Dear Diary (Tales of a Tormented Child-Part 1) | Teen Ink

Dear Diary (Tales of a Tormented Child-Part 1)

July 2, 2010
By LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm so weird I'm normal
-Khalil, a friend

Dear Diary,
I don't know what today is...all I know is I want them to stop. The voices. They're in my head all the time, hissing and screaming. I beg them to leave me alone,but they won't...They want me. They want be to be theirs forever, to be as bitter and demented as they are...They want me to yield and scream.But I must keep reminding myself-My name is Tanya Rosemont, I'm sane...and I will not scream.
I can't give in to these voices or I'll be destroyed. That's what they want from me-they want me to beg and grovel in the dirt for a sin I didn't commit. Is this the work of the devil? I don't know...I just call them the Spirits. The spirits that live inside my head, consuming my mind and contaminating my soul....
My name is Tanya Rosemont...I'm sane..and I will not scream.

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