Two Loving Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Loving Hearts

April 1, 2010
By Anonymous

She is the only one who helps me through.I am the only one to do the same for her. Two loving hearts who always hope and love. Two who always live life to the fullest. Two who will make a difference. Everyone says we are crazy but, that doesn’t bother us. When we change we know it.

His love for us is everlasting. We tell the truth about the truth to others. We open up our hearts to the ones we love. Life treats us with pleasure, we have to grap a hold of it and take advantage of what is given to us. This is how we live life.

We were put here on this earth for a specific purpose because of a plan that was made for us. Proving that there is love is the best purpose to live for. Love, love, love is what we do all of the time. Love spreads.

When we feel afraid or nervous, we look to him for the answer in prayer. No one else can take his place. Two loving hearts who refuse to give up on their calling. Two who love to spread the everlasting love. Two who’s goal is to love.

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