Withering | Teen Ink


August 24, 2009
By Anonymous

Though I wait, you will never come. It is like you were only a figment of my wild imagination. You curled into my senses, then were gone. Yet through the night I will stand, I will stay, as a tribute to my memory. With the tears running down my ashen face.
Why did you have to be so careless? Why did you have to never see it coming? How do you realize that you're gone, and that you left me behind? Waiting, watching, praying, longing, yet you will never appear.
Never again will I hear your laugh, never again will I cry on your shoulder. Never can I smile at your jokes, your seemingly ridiculous lines.
The paradox? You knew it was coming, and you were scared. I comforted you, told you it would never come, and assured you, that it would be not so. But your scars told the truth, and you could tell, that the world would come crashing down. All will turn black in the end, the sun will fade, the flowers die, but in my mind, I'll be with you.

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