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Hot Gossip

June 14, 2024
By lizteplinskiy BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
lizteplinskiy BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

        Last night my friend’s ex-boyfriend added me on Snapchat. I was very alarmed by this because I did not know his intentions. I asked my friend, Lily, if I could add him back because I did not want her to think I was talking to her ex-boyfriend, Ethan, behind her back. She said I could add him back so I did. A few minutes later, he snapped a picture of his shoulder. I was updating Lily on everything he sent so I took a picture of the snap he sent me with my old phone. She said to snap him back so I did. It was the same thing he sent, just a picture of my shoulder. A few minutes go by and he snaps me back. This time it was a picture of his arm muscle, which I am pretty sure he flexed just to get the picture. Again, I sent Lily a picture and she told me to reply with “yuck”. He then sent a question mark but I did not know what to respond with. I didn’t want to step out of line with my choice of words, so I asked Lily what to reply with every time he sent me a picture or text. Ethan had hurt Lily’s feelings in the past and I have been wanting to tell him that he should not have said those things, but I did not want to sound too mean. She told me to reply with her name, but that would make it seem like I was saying “yuck” about my friend. I told Lily that I felt bad when I sent it but she said she was fine with it. Ethan started to stand up for Lily and said that I should not be talking about his girl like that. First of all, she is not his girl anymore, they broke up a few weeks ago. Second of all, I found it very ironic how he said that I should not be talking bad about his girl, yet he would say mean things to her all the time. Ethan finally unadded me and we never spoke since.

        There is a girl who Lily has had a problem with for a while, Anna. Ethan started talking to Anna while he was still talking to Lily, but this was before Ethan and Lily dated. Still, this is considered cheating because Ethan told Lily that they were “exclusive” meaning they were only supposed to see and talk to each other. Ethan broke his own rule! He started talking to Anna and when Lily found out, she was furious, to say the least. She wanted to do horrible, unspeakable things to Anna which didn’t make sense to me because it was Ethan’s fault for talking to Anna in the first place. I’m sure that Anna did not know that Ethan was talking to Lily, otherwise (I hope) she would not have responded to him. Anna and I have a bit of history; we did competitive dance together for a year a few years ago, but we were not that close because we did not talk much. Anyway, I don’t think Lily should have blamed Anna for talking to Ethan, she probably did not know any better. Lily and Ethan started dating in late February, but they broke up just a few weeks later. I remember Lily telling me that on her birthday, she found something out about Ethan. I’m not exactly sure if he fully cheated on her, but I know that it made her mad and I’m pretty sure it had something to do with Anna. I felt so bad that she had to find out on her birthday, but this was not the first time Ethan cheated. He truly is a despicable man, and Lily’s best friend and I have both told her that. Although Lily agrees that he is a horrible person, she still loved him and kept giving him chances. I wish she didn’t though, he broke her heart and ruined her life. A few weeks ago, Lily told me that Ethan was going to prom with Anna. I was shocked, and so sad for Lily. Lily was planning on going to prom with her friend and they were supposed to sit at the same table as Ethan, and now Anna. Lily was furious and did not want to go to prom anymore because she wouldn’t be able to stand being around Ethan and Anna. I hope Lily recovers from all the trauma Ethan has brought upon her.

        Yesterday was junior prom at Hill Ridge High School, or HRHS, which is the school that Anna and Ethan go to. I thought that she would go with Ethan, but she didn’t. She posted a picture of her and her prom date’s hands on her Snapchat story and I was confused. I knew it wasn’t Ethan because the guy in the picture was less tan than Ethan. I’m not sure who this person was, but me and Lily both want to know. We know that Ethan and Anna are going to HRHS’s senior prom together. Lily was, again, talking about how much she hates Anna, but decided that she was going to prom. She said that she was going to cry when she saw her with him since they were all sitting at the same table. She was going to be livid if she saw Ethan touch Anna. Lily was freaking out a little bit because prom was in just 12 days. She showed me her dress, it was a long black dress with a long slit down the side. The problem is that Anna is wearing a very similar dress, same color, same style. I hope Lily had a fun time at prom despite everything she has gone through.

The author's comments:

Based on a true story.

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