Sunsets and Dolphins | Teen Ink

Sunsets and Dolphins

June 12, 2024
By Magnani BRONZE, Hohokus, New Jersey
Magnani BRONZE, Hohokus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She stares into the sunset, with her perfect blue eyes and her blonde hair flapping in the breeze. Then she sees her dolphin friend jump. She giggled as he made a clicking noise. Ellie just adored dolphins. It seems like this beautiful moment happened, just for her. She timidly shifts over so her best friend can join her. Ellie didn’t say anything, but she knew that her best friend was sharing the same moment. They gazed at the beautiful ocean and the sun that was slowly setting. The ocean’s reflection danced on her best friend's pretty eyes. Her best friend's name was Charlotte. Both of the best friends had blonde hair, but Charlotte was uniquely different with soft hazel colored eyes instead of Ellie’s vibrant blue. 

As Ellie stepped out of her van, she took a deep breath of the ocean air. But the air wasn’t her favorite part. Ellie tore into a sprint and ran straight to the ocean. Just as she slowed, panting for her breath, she saw her dolphin friend appear. He clicked and she smiled. 

“I’ll be out in the water soon!” she told the dolphin. 

The dolphin clicked back as an agreement.

The next morning, as soon as Ellie woke up, she threw on her swimsuit and plunged into the water. The water seemed unusually icy that day but she swam to the dolphin cove anyway. The dolphin cove was one of her favorite places in the whole wide world. She felt so lucky to have it all for herself, and the dolphins of course. But today felt different. There was an odd level of eeriness. Where was her dolphin friend? Ellie wondered. Ellie waited and waited some more. Every minute she spent waiting, added to the anxiety in her stomach. She yelled, she cried. Where had her dolphin friend gone? Ellie became very worried that her dolphin friend wouldn't come. 

Eventually, Ellie gave up on waiting. Charlotte told her that the dolphin will eventually come back, but she was still worried. Ellie already had waited multiple hours. She decided to take a swim and decided that maybe she would find the dolphin somewhere. But as every second passed in the ocean, the currents became stronger and stronger. One being so strong that she was shoved against sharp rocks.


 Ellie is forced to swim ashore. Sooner or later, as Ellie expected, there was a big storm. Winds stole palm trees and the ocean roared like never before. Ellie became even more worried, the stress of losing her dolphin friend scared her the most.

A couple weeks later, Ellie went for a swim to the dolphin cove. Her dolphin friend was there waiting for her. Ellie was so thankful that her friend was safe. 

“You worried me, but I am glad you’re back. I missed you so much!” 


The author's comments:

I really like dolphins and I enjoyed writing this piece!

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