Ten out of Ten | Teen Ink

Ten out of Ten

June 12, 2024
By avaferro_ BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
avaferro_ BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Audrey,” Harper shouted, “Charlotte!”
“Hey,” exclaimed Audrey.
“What's up,” Charlotte replied. The three girls walked into the building together and went into their homeroom class. Chime. Everyone’s phone had gone off.
“Why did everyone get that message,” asked Harper while turning her phone on. It was a link that was sent from a random number. The screens of peoples’ phones lit up their faces with shocked looks on them. Some boys laughed, while other girls started to cry.
“Oh my gosh,” Harper mumbled, “Check your phones now!” A random number had sent the whole school a message with a link that led them to a list.
“Abby eight out of ten,” Harper whispered, “Catie four out of ten.” Harper frantically searched for her name. Her hands shook while she felt the sweat trickle down the back of her neck.
“Harper,” Charlotte called, “You were ranked ten out of ten!”
“What,” asked Harper, “Why? How?” Harper could hear the sound of girls crying all around her. Teachers tried to comfort them, but it didn’t help at all.
“We need to figure out who did this,” Audrey told them, “This is horrible!” The day was going by very slowly. There were many girls being called out of class so they could go visit the counselor to talk about the list. Many boys were also called down to the office to be interrogated by the principal.
“How does it feel to be the only one ranked ten out of ten,” asked Mackenzie, one of the meanest girls in school.
“Hey,” called out Charlotte, “You’re just jealous because you were only ranked a five out of ten!”
“Ugh Whatever,” mumbled Mackenzie as she walked away from the table. Harper had her head in her hands as she wished that this was just another dream.
“Don’t worry Harper,” Audrey whispered, “Just ignore them and stay strong.” Ring. The school bell rang and all of the students ran outside to greet their parents. Harper’s older sister, Mia, had come to pick her up today.
“Hey Harper,” smiled Mia, “How was your day?”
“Horrible,” she answered, “One of the boys made a list ranking how pretty the girls are.”
“They did what,” she asked, “Well how bad were you ranked?”
“Not bad at all,” replied Harper, “I was the highest ranked and now girls are making fun of me for it.”
“Can I see the number that sent the list,” asked Mia, “I might be able to see where the list was sent from this morning.” Mia went on her phone and opened an app. She typed the number into her phone, making sure she hit every correct number.
“Okay, it looks like it was sent from near the playground,” Mia told her, “Is there anything near there?”
“Oh,” exclaimed Harper, “That’s where the football team practices during homeroom!” Mia hopped out of the car and ran to her room where she searched up everyone on the football team. She then called her friends to tell them about the evidence that she had found.
“Guys guess what,” Harper told the two, “I found out that the author of the list is on the football team!”
“Really,” they both asked.
“Yes,” Harper exclaimed. The girls then hung up because they all had to go eat dinner. Harper headed downstairs and went to her usual spot between her two sisters.
“I heard about the list,” Harper’s mom told her, “They called an emergency assembly for tonight at seven.”
“Do I have to come,” asked Harper.
“Of course you do sweetheart,” she answered, “You’ll be fine.” After dinner Harper and her mom got into the car and headed to the school to find almost every single seat filled in the auditorium.
“Geez,” Harper whispered to herself. She spotted Audrey and Charlotte and then waved. The principal then made his way onto the stage.
“It has come to my concern that many of your daughters were affected today by the list that was published,” Principal Alex informed the parents, “We have taken action already and are trying to find the student that created the list.”
“We want to know who did this,” a mom called out from the audience.
“Are the boys being punished at least,” another called out.
“Why am I sending my children to this school if they are going to be ranked off of their personal features,” called out another.
“Okay let’s settle down now,” barked the principal, “We are going to delay sports games and not give any of the seventh grade boys recess until everything is settled.” After a bit more fighting between the moms the assembly finished and everyone made their way home.
“It was someone on the football team,” Harper whispered to her mom on the way home, “I don’t want to tattle though.”
“Just tell them tomorrow,” Harper’s mom told her, “They’ll find out eventually.” Harper went to bed and woke up, dreading the day that was about to begin. She got to school and made her way to the principal’s office.
“Principal Alex,” she mumbled, “The author of the list is on the football team.”
“How do you know,” he asked.
“It was sent out after the practice yesterday morning,” she replied, “Someone told me.”
“Thank you so much Harper,” the principal told her, “This will help us out a ton.” Harper then walked back to math class, but she was stopped in the hallway by Mackenzie.
“Where are you coming from,” she asked, “Were you tattling on all of the boys?”
“Can’t you just be nice Mackenzie,” yelled Harper, “Why do you have to be so mean!” Harper ran to the bathroom with tears running down her face and falling onto her navy blue sweatshirt. She heard laughing from behind her, but she ignored it. She now knew that if something was bothering her, she should just let it go. She took out her phone and texted Charlotte and Audrey. She wanted them to come to the bathroom because she needed their help. They both walked through the door together with concerned looks on their faces.
“We need to find out who wrote this list,” Harper told both of them, “Quickly.” They both understood what she was sayings dn immediately texted their friends who played football.
“Any responses yet,” asked Harper.
“Yeah, one from Jake,” answered Audrey, “He said that it was either Oliver or Anthony.”
“Perfect,” Harper replied, “Can you guys text Anthony and Oliver and ask what they think of me?”
“Great idea,” shouted Charlotte, “I’ll text Anthony.” They texted the boys and anxiously waited for a message.
“Ooh,” exclaimed Charlotte, “Anthony responded!”
“So did Oliver” Audrey joined in.
“Anthony said that he doesn’t like you at all and he think that you’re annoying.”
“Okay I think that means we found our author” muttered Audrey.
“Me too,” exclaimed Harper. The three walked back to the principal’s office and told him what they had found out.
“Thanks girls,” replied the principal. On the loudspeaker Oliver’s name was called to the principal's office. He gave the girls a stare as they walked by him. Oliver was suspended and was kicked off of the football team. The girls now know to bot listen to other people’s opinions about themselves or others around them.
“I can’t believe that we did that,” exclaimed Harper, “I don’t know what I would do without you guys.”

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