The Big Move | Teen Ink

The Big Move

June 11, 2024
By owenlim123 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
owenlim123 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
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Kevin sat on the front porch of his Anchorage, Alaska home, watching the blanket of snow cover the ground. Beside him was his best friend Demarcus. He sat on the chair with his green hat and scarf trying to avoid the cold. Suddenly, Kevin felt a sudden hint of guilt and knew he had to tell his best friend the bad news. Ever since last night, when Kevin’s parents told him they were moving, Kevin didn’t know how to tell Demarcus. Demarcus had been Kevin’s best friend since first grade. Since then they both have been inseparable, doing nearly everything together. 

“Kevin, you seem kind of off today, what's up? Demarcus said, looking over at Kevin. 

“Nothing, just thinking about some stuff for my parents,” he replied quietly. 

 Demarcus looked confused as he adjusted his coat. “If you have anything you need to talk about, I'm here for you,” explained Demarcus, putting his hand on Kevin’s shoulder. 

Kevin nodded in approval. “Thanks, I really appreciate it,” he said with a smile.  

They both sat silently watching the people of the city go about their day. Suddenly, Kevin broke the silence.

“Demarcus, I have something I need to tell you,” he said. “I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm moving.” The expression changed on Demarcus’s face. He looked stunned and turned to Kevin in disbelief. 

“What?” said Demarcus. ”You're joking, right?”

“I wish,” said Kevin. “My parents told me last night. We are moving to Europe.”

“When? Why? Where?” stammered Demarcus.

“My dad got a new job working in Florence, Italy and he starts next month. My mom wants to get settled in before school starts, so it doesn’t leave us much time. My dad says the houses are smaller in Europe, so we can’t take everything with us. How am I going to pick what to take with me? Should I bring my TV, my baseball cards, and my book collection?

After a few minutes, Kevin realized he was talking  about his new home without even considering his friend. He looked up and saw Demarcus just staring blankly ahead. He was clearly upset and confused. He even looked angry. Just then, Kevin realized he hadn’t fully processed what this move meant. Suddenly, a circle of emotions swirled around him. He was excited to go on a new adventure, but he’d need to leave his old life behind in Alaska. Yes, he’d miss some of his things, but nothing could replace Demarcus. Would they ever see each other again?

Kevin cleared his throat and took a deep breath. With his hand on his friend’s shoulder, Kevin said, “Demarcus, I’m sorry. I know you must be so confused and angry with me.” A few moments passed and Demarcus hadn’t said a word. Finally, he wiped a tear from his eye and moved a few inches away from Kevin. “When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I promise,” said Kevin. “My parents just told me last night. I’ve been worried about it all day today, wondering how I was going to break the news to you. But I already looked into flights, and if we raise enough money in the next month, you can come visit me in Italy. It won’t be the same, but we’ll always have each other.”

   Demarcus sighed. “But it won’t be the same,” he said. “I won't have anyone to check my math homework with or sit with at lunch. And who will I walk home with after school?” 

Kevin didn’t have all the answers. He was just as confused as Demarcus. “I know,” he said. “I’ll have to find new kids to have lunch with, too. And I don’t even know what my new school will look like. Even worse, I don't speak a word of Italian! How am I supposed to talk to the kids in my class?”

Demarcus’s confusion and sadness quickly turned to worry. He had been so focused on his own feelings, he hadn’t even thought about what Kevin might be feeling. They spent the next hour Googling “Florence, Italy”. They read about what life is like in Florence and looked at pictures of the city. Then they came up with a plan to raise $650 toward airline tickets. “That should get you to Italy and me back home,” Kevin said.

For the next two weeks, the boys sifted through their belongings and set aside anything that could help them reach their goal. Baseball cards, balls, scooters, bikes, clothes, Kevin’s video games, and Demarcus’s favorite pair of sneakers were piled in the corner. They asked friends to donate their belongings as well. The sale was advertised in the town newspaper. The following week, Kevin and Demarcus transformed Kevin’s front yard into the ultimate garage sale. They put price tags on all of the sale items and laid them out on tables. They also offered freshly baked cookies and lemonade. 

Neighbors poured in and within three hours, they were sold out. When the last item was sold, the boys counted their money. They raised $764 toward their travel fund. They cheered in excitement and started planning Demarcus’s first visit. 

The night before Kevin’s move, Demarcus took $20 out of their earnings to treat his best friend to an Anchorage treat, fried fish sticks and an ice cream sundae. Even though Kevin was moving far away, the boys knew they would be best friends forever.

The author's comments:

I am in 8th grade and am going to high school next year. I like playing basketball. This is a story about two friends that are inseparable. When Kevin finds out he is moving to Europe, he has to figure out how to break the news to Demarcus.

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