The Summer Night Destruction | Teen Ink

The Summer Night Destruction

June 11, 2024
By Anonymous

Hi, I am Liv and I am going to my friends house Kylie and Sam for a barbeque dinner. I am walking down to their house. It should take about 15 minutes to get there. As I get there  slowly I see them sitting outside with their brothers and friends. 

Fast forward 30 minutes later, me and my friends are eating chicken and burgers. As soon as we ate, we ran out the door to go into town to buy candy. “Hey Liv let's make a candy salad, '' Kylie said. We ran back to the house and as soon as we were eating our delicious candy the boys knocked over the candy. “Are you kidding me” we all said with anger as 20 dollars was wasted. As Kylie and I go back to the house we have to explain to her dad that the bowl was knocked over. 

After incident number one it led us into number two which was the kickball destruction. When all of us were having a normal time playing kickball, John Kylie’s brother's friend kicked the ball and it went flying over the fence and it broke a vase. My face felt like a tomato mixed with a hot pepper heating up of embarrassment. And of course as we did before with the candy salad we told their dad and explained what happened. About an hour after that all went down John went over to their neighbors house to apologize since they were not home when he kicked it. Since we felt so bad we went out and we bought a new one for them. 

Finally after all of that destruction we decided to have some fun and play basketball. It was two teams of three since there were six kids in total. Well for now at least… It was me, Kylie and G and then Sam,John and Paolo. My team was obviously better so we took advantage of that and destroyed the other team. Since we have been playing for so long we did not realize what time it was. It was past 10.30 and I had to go home at 11. I really did not want to go. So, instead while Kylie’s Dad was making smores we hung out inside and okayed some Fortnite while we waited. We heard the clock ticking as we were playing and it was past 11 and my Dad showed up. Since he is good friends with Kylie and Sam;s Dad he was talking to him for about another hour until I had to go. 

As soon as I got home I thought to myself what a night tonight was and how destructive it was. Furthermore, it was a good way to start off the summer with my friends.

The author's comments:

This is a realistic fiction about a story that happened to me last summer.

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