Describe a Beach | Teen Ink

Describe a Beach

June 7, 2024
By elsaratner BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
elsaratner BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A forceful howl pierces the golden rays glittering from the heavens, jutting through the air with little mercy. Little crumbs of sand brush the ground's surface along with the air, their peaceful sleep disrupted by the wind. As the water meets the ocean's edge, it melts the sand into a dark brown. Each curve of the ocean ripples endlessly into the vast foreverness, dissolving into the horizon. The deep blue ensnares the beholder's attention—what seems clear and shallow runs hundreds of thousands of miles deep. The innocent paddling of the water closeby masks its true intentions as you go further, where the waves rage and crash into themselves, forming bigger and more dangerous ones. 

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