my little | Teen Ink

my little

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

If I had something named after me it would be a pond discreetly hidden from society in a forest far from society. The pond would have fish in it. The pond would have algae on top of it. The pond would have no signs of damage from humans. It would be cold to the touch as if you were touching a can of soda from the fridge, and it’d be murky only being able to see 2 feet deep. The pond’s water would be helpful to the wildlife around it. But humans would eventually find it and destroy it, and nature would abhor that decision. Drip drip drip as chemicals like hydrogen cyanide leak into the water hunting the animals inside the pond. The animals and the plants would die leaving no plants or animals inside the pond. Eventually signs of humans would disappear and the structure around it would begin to crumble. Fish, algae, and plants start returning to the water and eventually the pond goes back to normal as if humans were never there…

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