These Dang Youngsters. | Teen Ink

These Dang Youngsters.

June 6, 2024
By clailer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
clailer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk around town, I am disgusted by the rudeness and disinterest exerted by these youngsters. They are always on the phone without a care in the world. I always think to myself, How are they so oblivious? It infuriates me to walk down the street and see nothing but phones–or AirPods on full volume. 

When I was younger, a very long time ago, I was polite and enjoyed the great outdoors. Nowadays, it is a ghost town every time I step outside. The other day, I was taking my daily walk and heard a kid say, 

 “Hi, how are you doing?”

 I looked … only to see someone on the phone. I was disappointed and thought– get off that dang phone. If it were up to me I would ban phones in a public setting.

 Every once in a while I will get engaged in a conversation–not really. The response coming from teenagers is one word. 


“How are you doing?” I will say. 

The youngster stared into his phone and quietly said  “Fine”

“Do you play any sports?” I asked the youngster


This is exactly why youngsters need to get off those phones and learn to communicate. Conversing with these youngsters is like talking to a brick wall.  I encourage teenagers to work on the fundamentals of maintaining conversation, and stay off those stupid phones!

The author's comments:

This is one of my quick writes that a revised for my final exam.

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