The Peter Kussow Baseball Field | Teen Ink

The Peter Kussow Baseball Field

June 5, 2024
By pkussow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
pkussow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Something named after me, an honor of the highest regard. It shows the impact you have made in that place. If I could have something named after me, I would want a baseball field. An impetus for me playing baseball is to make an impact on the others around me. It would mean the world to me to have a baseball field named after me. The trees dance. The grass sways. The bases are white like newly cleaned teeth. A baseball field is more than a place to play baseball. Children laugh and make memories that will last a lifetime. The playsets and friends placate younger siblings from annoying parents.

“Five more minutes Mom,” words that make memories last forever. 

Baseball bats. Loud fans. Orange slices. The recipe for a great baseball game at Peter Kussow Field. CRACK. The bat strikes the ball as it’s going, going, gone! The kid smiles as he rounds the bases and hits his first home run. The kid will have the memory of his first home run for the rest of his life. 

Next to the field, there will also be two basketball courts for siblings to play on. The field will be next to a playset for siblings. The concession stands will be available for each game played, and all profits will go towards maintaining the field. The dugouts will be down under the ground because many other fields have above and all the little details to make the kids feel like they are big leaguers. The grass is pillows on the feet to ensure the highest quality gameplay. 

The Peter Kussow baseball field will be a place for people to commemorate the game of baseball and for children to play the game they love. It will be a place where kids look forward to playing. It will be high quality for all kids to make them feel like the players they watch on TV. It is a place for kids to commence on a new part of their baseball career. 

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