Sparkley pink swimsuit | Teen Ink

Sparkley pink swimsuit

June 2, 2024
By AmicoAnderson BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
AmicoAnderson BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1 year ago the doctors told us she only had a month to live. But by some miracle she survived, beating her illness and recovering quickly. Because of that we wanted to throw her the best party ever and get her a sparkly pink swimsuit. We had invited all her friends and families from school for our backyard pool birthday extravaganza, as some of the guests started arriving I could see my daughter playing in the shallow end with her friends. The smell of smoke from the grill was in the air mixed with the happiness and yelling of the kids, the adults' conversation and the loud kids bop playing in the background. I'm starting to zone out when I hear a familiar voice,”Georgie! I thought you were sick.” it's my boss, not realizing that one of the kids that was invited was his. He walks over to me slowly, anxiety creeps into me as he gets closer.” to be honest, if i knew what your family went through i would have said yes to you taking the day off." Confusion hits me.”He's not mad.” I say to myself as I look at him, he's smiling at me and shakes my hand. After that evening he told me he understands what happened and wont tell the administration about what happened. And the night goes on with everything going to plan

The author's comments:

my teacher had a prompt and he said make a story out of a sparkle pink swim suit, a man not wanting to go to work, and some kind of un known illness

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