Summer Sun | Teen Ink

Summer Sun

May 29, 2024
By 4steinbauer GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4steinbauer GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a moment of pure bliss. I remember ambitiously waiting at my school desk, awaiting the last school bell of the day. RING!!! In an instant, I was speed walking out of the classroom and down the hallway. I arrived at the front doors of the school where I used all of my strength to push them open. Immediately I felt the warm rays of the sun on the surface of my skin. Rushing out alongside me, other students fled out to their vehicles. They jumped inside and drove off together, blasting songs that sounded like poolside play and bright green trees. 


Sounds like summer! I thought to myself as I listened. 


The rest of the students stood in clusters with their friends discussing their upcoming plans. After finding my way through the flood of students wearing cut off shirts and shorts, I finally saw my own group of friends. They stood together with smiles beaming with excitement. 


Without a thought, my friends grabbed me by the hand and took me with them. All of us quickly piled into one car. My friend in the driver's seat rolled down the windows and cranked the music full blast. The car started moving and I suddenly felt the warm summer breeze dance through my hair. 


From the school parking lot, we continued down the street where we drove past houses with kids playing games in the front lawn and homes with yards being watered on by sprinklers. 


“What is there to do?” My friend questioned. 


“It's summer, we can do anything we want to!” I exclaimed. 

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