Struggles | Teen Ink


May 28, 2024
By Anonymous

Standing at the edge of graduation, my time at Arrowhead unravels like a picture book filled with ups and downs. Over the course of my four years at Arrowhead, I learned the importance of focusing on school despite personal struggles. Freshman year was tough; I failed many classes and didn’t see my potential. It felt like every step forward, I was met with a stump. My parents were going through a very nasty divorce, making it even harder to focus on my school work. Going to school was like walking through dense fog, not knowing where to go. Through perseverance, I managed to turn things around completely. 

Now, as a senior about to graduate in about three days, I proudly hold A’s and B’s. This year, I worked very hard and stayed caught up, proving to myself that I could overcome my challenges. By far, senior year has been my favorite year in high school because I get along so well with the teachers and I felt like I finally got all the help I truly needed. My journey at Arrowhead has shown me the power of dedication and the difference a supportive environment can make. 

The author's comments:

I had a love/hate relationship with high school.

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