The Morning Rush | Teen Ink

The Morning Rush

November 6, 2023
By tennis-2009 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
tennis-2009 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ttttrrringg. The alarm clock rings, its shrill cry echoing through the quiet rooms. I have grown accustomed to my day starting off like this - the screeching sound of the clock going through my skull, reminding me it's the start of a new day. As I roll over, open an eye, and glance at the clock on the bookcase, I can just barely make out the time. 6:30? 7:21? 7:35? It’s not easy to make out the time when you don’t have glasses on. I open my eyes wider, crane my neck higher, until I can distinctly make the time out - 7:35. 

7:35! School begins in 25 minutes! I quickly roll out of bed, which reminds me of the times I used to roll down grassy hills in the nearby park. But reality hits me again - there’s no time to think. I don’t notice how I almost trip as I rush downstairs. I don’t notice how hot my oatmeal is as I gobble it up. I don’t notice how cold and windy it is as I run outside, jump over my bike, and start pedaling furiously. I don’t notice how no one is there as I arrive at school. Finally, as I park my bike into the bike cage, I take a look at my surroundings. No teachers, no students, no anything.

Of course it’s Saturday. 

The author's comments:

In this set piece, I use imagery, which is describing things in such a way so that the reader can visualize the scene. I do this by describing my surroundings and my feelings, especially in the beginning when I wake up. As I’m going to school, I used anaphora, which is the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence to show emphasis. I do this to show how I was in a hurry and was focused on getting to school on time. Most of my anaphora occurs when I am on my way to school. Also, I used situational irony in the ending. Irony is when the opposite occurs to what was expected.  Sometimes, if I’m busy or have a lot of homework, I wake up later than I would have liked. This set piece shows some thoughts that go through my head sometimes when this happens. My favorite part of the story is the ending because it is sudden and unexpected.

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