Hope | Teen Ink


November 3, 2023
By PurpleChoco BRONZE, Cupertino, California
PurpleChoco BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up this morning and the sky was very, very blue.

I lay in bed and stared out the window, drinking in the new day. Everyone else was still asleep but for some reason my mind was suddenly clear of that drowsy haze that lets you slip back under. So I got out of bed and went to the backyard.

It was quiet but for the chirping of early-morning birds. A light breeze, the air fresh-start crisp and cold, but not the bad kind. The refreshing kind. 

The sun wasn’t even fully up yet, so there were no direct rays of sunshine, but the sky was already so very blue, with not a cloud in sight. Purely, brilliantly azure, stretching on forever and ever. 

I woke up this morning and the simplest thing made me smile.

The author's comments:

This set piece was supposed to be for a PTA arts submission, with the prompt ‘I am hopeful because…’, but I literally got the inspiration for this on the day of the due date. I couldn’t turn it in, obviously, but I still ended up writing it. My writing pursuits were to use repetition in a full circle sort of way (I woke up this morning…) and to describe something in an unique but understandable way, a bit like F. Scott Fitzgerald (The air fresh-start crisp…). I like this piece mostly because I’m impressed with myself. I usually don’t enjoy stories like this, without a real beginning, middle, end, or even a problem to resolve, but this piece, in my eyes, is actually worth reading. The goal isn’t to tell a story or teach a lesson, but to make the reader feel, enough that they cry, or smile, or at least that the piece leaves an impression. 

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