Sometimes Time Changes Too Quickly | Teen Ink

Sometimes Time Changes Too Quickly

November 3, 2023
By Honey_Bunches BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Honey_Bunches BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Something so simple yet fascinating. The tree's colors change as the seasons begin: first green, then yellow, red, and orange. I touch the tree to see the bark lifting; the smooth surface makes me wonder some more. Why does change come once more? As I’m outside, I feel the breeze of the wind against my face. Slowly leaves fall to the ground. One by one, they leave the tree bare. I sigh to myself, knowing that fall comes once more. With the fall comes the holidays. Oh, how I love this time of year. However, I knew that I wouldn’t last through these holidays.

"Mara, it's time to come back inside,” the nurse said.

I grabbed my IV pole and made my way inside the hospital. Just like the doctor said, two more weeks...

The author's comments:

My set piece is about a girl named Mara who is enjoying the outside adventures that were allowed out of her hospital. Mara knows she doesn’t have much time left, but she wants to live through one more season of holidays. I used foreshadowing at the end for peers to use their imagination. An example of this is at the end of my piece when I said, “Just like the doctor said, two more weeks..."; which opens up the imagination to what the doctor told Mara. I also used imagery to help the readers create a mental picture of the experience. In the first paragraph, I explain the colors of the leaves and what Mara feels or uses her senses to get. My favorite part about this piece is the calmness she feels inside and how she doesn’t let her time go to waste as she enjoys it.

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