Rosie | Teen Ink


November 3, 2023
By cherloote BRONZE, Cupertino, California
cherloote BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The hamster scurried out of the small cardboard box, printed with the pet store's logo. She investigated the large wooden cage, taking in the upgrade from the old cage she had at the pet store. The four of them watched intensely, paying attention to every move the small furry creature made. The hamster was entirely white, except for a small gray dot on the top of her head, looking almost like a dollop of paint. Her small, yet quick legs dug through the cage, looking for somewhere to hide in her new home. The watchers leaned towards the cage, trying to find entertainment in the creature. “She’s nothing like Archie. She’s quite skirmish.. and boring.” she says, staring at the creature, hoping it could prove it was just as good as the previous hamster. Maybe even better. After successfully burying herself in the corner of the cage, hidden from the watchers view, they left the hamster to herself. “I think I’m gonna name her Rosie.” she said, munching on apple slices while eating lunch. The others nodded, agreeing with the name. After the dishes were placed into the dishwasher, the watchers returned, trying to see where she had buried herself now. After spotting her under the stairs leading to a wooden platform, the doorbell rang for the watchers to go back home. Out of excitement, she grabbed the small hamster, holding her in her palms, watching her run around. The hamster had other plans, as the small creature leapt off her palms, hurling 4 feet down onto the floor. A moment of confusion passed as the creature rushed from its back, trying to escape. The watchers panicked, as one of them went for the creature, successfully trapping it in her palms, and placing its small, squirmy mass back in the cage. They all sighed, relieved the creature didn’t have the time to escape. She stared at the small furry hamster, quickly hiding again in the cage, wondering to herself- had she picked the wrong one? Only one week later, the watchers returned to the pet store, carrying the same box, with the same white hamster. “I would like a return please.”

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