Shot at Redemption | Teen Ink

Shot at Redemption

October 16, 2023
By MorkGraden_ BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
MorkGraden_ BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the dark corner of a run-down sports bar, Teagan “Tiggs” Viebrock holding his whiskey glass, staring at the TV. The loud commentary announced the latest NFL draft was starting, a stern reminder of his fall from grace.
Years ago, Teagan had been a sensation–a wide receiver with a bunny-like vertical and hands of glue. His debut season with the Green Bay Packers had been legendary, earning him a nickname that echoed with fans across the country. But as his fame rose, so did his ego.
Teagan’s antics off the field became as famous as his touchdowns. He strived for the nightlife, the popularity, the attention, and the endless parties. His teammates allowed the behavior because of his talent, but it was only a matter of time before it all caught up to him.
One fateful night, after a huge party that lasted until dawn, Teagan was involved in a car accident. His career came to a screeching halt as he faced DUI charges and was suspended from the NFL. The Packers released him, and no other team was willing to take a chance on the fallen star.
Now, four years later, Teagan was a shadow of his former self. The hatred of his past mistakes weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn’t get past the harsh reality that he was no longer the man he used to be. The boozers recognize him as “that washed-up football player,” and their glances hurt more than any criticism.
When the draft popped up on the TV screen, Teagan’s thoughts drifted to the younger players about to start their NFL journeys. He remembered the hope and excitement he had on his draft day. The realization that he had thrown away that opportunity, gnawed at him.
Just as he was about to order another drink, a familiar face appeared on the screen. It was Caleb Irlbeck’s, a rookie wide receiver from a small college who had burst onto the scene with his remarkable hands and jumping ability. The commentators praised his work ethic and humbleness.
Teagan couldn’t look away. He saw himself in the young man–the same drive, the same hunger. But unlike Teagan, this kid seemed locked in, determined to avoid the fall from fame.
As the draft continued, Irlbeck’s name was called by the Green Bay Packers, Teagan’s former team, who went 3-14 last season. The boozers in the bar burst into cheers, celebrating their team getting the promising rookie. Teagan felt a mix of nostalgia and jealousy.
That night, something inside Teagan flipped. He realized he had been given a rare second chance, an opportunity to make amends and rewrite his own story. He promised himself to do everything he could to support Irlbeck and help him get through the dangerous parts of NFL fame.
Teagan reached out to the Packers management, expressing his desire to mentor the rookie receiver. Shockingly, they said yes, and saw it as a potential redemption story that could have positive publicity for the team.
Over the next few months, Teagan worked day and night with Irlbeck. He shared his experiences, both his achievements and his major mistakes. He taught him about discipline and the importance of staying hungry.
As the season started, Irlbeck excelled under Teagan’s guidance. He quickly became very well-known, and the media called him the “new Tiggs.” And for the first time ever, Teagan didn’t mind sharing the spotlight.
One Sunday afternoon, in the same stadium where Teagan had once shined so bright, Irlbeck made a game-winning catch that reminded everyone of Teagan's glory days. The crowd erupted, and tears filled up Teagan's eyes as he watched the young receiver celebrate.
In that moment, Teagan Viebrock got his redemption story, not in personal glory, but in helping someone else reach their full potential. He had learned that sometimes, second chances were not about the past but about shaping the future.

The author's comments:

I really like sports.

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