Deep sea | Teen Ink

Deep sea

September 8, 2023
By axelj BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
axelj BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A few scientists are investigating a shark that hurt itself in its containment. They do not

know why she hurt herself since she has been in containment her whole life, they sit her in some

 machinery to keep her still. As one of them starts stitching her up she struggles and he

accidently damages an implant that another scientist had been putting in her before. They do not

notice and release her back into containment.


There are 4 scientists Barry, Caitlin, Harry, and finally Alex, they are all in the lounge area of a

Lab half under the ocean and half above it. The scientists are just hanging out having fun not

worrying about anything when Bam! the shark rammed into the the glass window that looks into

 the containment area. It does not break but the shark does not give up and goes again and again

 determined to break it. The scientists see enmity in the sharks eyes as it goes for one last hit and

finally breaks the class. Water comes rushing in destroying the lounge area, as all the scientist

are running faster that the speed of lighting to get to the stairs Alex trips falls to the ground and gets eaten by the shark.


Horrified looks and heavy breathing the remaining scientist lock the doors to the stairs they look

at each other and know that the sharks ascendancy had just begun. They continue to the radio

room to call for evacuation. Someone responds saying that they will send a helicopter and that it

will take 5 minutes to get there. The scientists are relieved thinking they are now safe when

Bam!  “Its coming from the stairs” says Caitlin. Then they hear rushing water, in the distance the

water is rushing in demolishing everything in its path as if it was enraged. The shark is now

inside and the lab is flooding with water. The shark is trapped momentarily trapped by the

shallow water not being able to proceed its rampage on the people. They have to think quick to

be able to stop the shark. As the water starts ascending towards their knees they realize the shark

has a mechanical implant in her body, if they electrify the water they could short circuit the

implant and it could make her pass out to give them just enough time for the helicopter. The

three scientists stand on topof desks while Barry has the radio ready to throw it in the water as

soon as he sees anything. Controlled breathing and bodies quivering as they wait in silence, they

can even hear their own thoughts when suddenly the the shark jumps out of the water roaring

through the air as if it was a bird coming for its prey. In the chaos Barry drops the radio but what

he did not see was Harry falling in the water. He sees the shark is no longer moving so he

unplugs the radio and jumps in the water to help him. While he is pulling him away the shark

quickly wakes back up as the implant was already damaged, so it did not affect her too much.

The shark goes for both of them and kills them. Caitlin is horrified and has lost all hope until she

hears a helicopter in the distance and immediately she runs toward it. The helicopter has dropped

a rope ladder she jumps top it and hold on for dear life. The helicopter starts flying away, Caitlin

thinks she has finally made it but what she doesn’t know is that the shark is ascending from

under the water flies up like a jet and snatches her from the air. The helicopter just flies away

knowing there’s nothing they can do.

The author's comments:

im 16 and a junior in highschool

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